Understanding Our Mission

Soil Food Web Inc. – SFI is a North American company led by Dr. Elaine Ingham, who is recognized as the foremost expert on the Soil Foodweb in the world.

SFI aims to expand knowledge about the Soil Food Web in different biomes of the planet, including its interaction with agricultural and forestry production factors and its role in the sequestration and retention of carbon in the soil.

SFI's focus is in technology development, consultancy, biologically complete compost production as well as partnering with public, private and non-profit organizations around the world.

Papers Published by Dr. Ingham:

1. Ames, R.N., E.R. Ingham and C.P.P. Reid. (1982). Ultraviolet-induced autofluorescence of arbuscular mycorrhizal root infections: An alternative to clearing and staining methods for assessing infections. Can. Jr. Microbiol, 28:351-355.

2. Ames, R.N., E.R. Ingham, C.P.P Reid. (1982). Ultraviolet-induced autofluorescence – a new method for detecting and quantifying vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal root infections. Phytopathology 72 (7), 950-950.

3. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1982). Relationship between fluorescein diacetate-stained hyphae and oxygen utilization, glucose utilization and biomass of submerged fungal batch cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 28:351-355.

4. McClellan, J.F., D.C. Coleman, K.A. Horton and E.R. Ingham. (1982). The effect of chloroform on protozoa and other soil inhabitants. J. Protozool, 29:491.

5. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1984). Soil fungi: Relationships between hyphal activity and staining with fluorescein in diacetate. Soil Biol. Biochem, 16:273-278.

6. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1984). Soil fungi: Measurement of hyphal length. Soil Biol. Biochem, 16:279-280.

7. Ames, R.N., C.P.P. Reid and E.R. Ingham. (1984). Rhizosphere bacterial population responses to root colonization by a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. New Phytol, 96:555-563.

8. Ingham, E.R. and D.A. Klein. (1984). Phosphatase activity of Penicillium Itrinum submerged batch cultures and its relationship to fungal activity. Plant and Soil, 81:61-68.

9. Ingham, E.R. and D.C. Coleman. (1984). Effects of streptomycin, cycloheximide, fungizone, captan, carbofuran, cygon and PCNB on soil microbe populations and nutrient cycling, Microbial Ecology 10:345- 358.

10. Ingham, R.E., J.A. Trofymow, E.R. Ingham and D.C. Coleman. (1985). Interactions of bacteria, fungi and their nematode grazers: Effects on nutrient cycling and plant growth. Ecological Monographs, 55:119-140.

11. Ingham, E.R. (1985). Review of the effects of twelve selected biocides on target and non-target soil organisms. Crop Protection, 4:3032.

12. Ingham, E.R., D.A. Klein and M.J. Trlica. (1985). Responses of microbial components of the rhizosphere to plant management strategies in semiarid rangeland. Plant and Soil, 85:65-76.

13. Ingham, E.R., C. Cambardella and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Manipulation of bacteria, fungi and protozoa by biocides in lodgepole pine forest soil microcosms: Effects on organism interactions and nitrogen mineralization. Can. J. Soil Sci, 66:261-272.

14. Frey, J.S., J.F. McCellan, E.R. Ingham and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Filter-out grazers (FOG): A filtration experiment for separating protozoan grazers in soil. Biol. Fert. Soil, 1:73-79.

15. Ingham, E.R., J.A. Trofymow, R.N. Ames, H.W. Hunt, C.R. Morley, J.C. Moore and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Trophic interactions and nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland soil. Part I. Seasonal dynamics of the natural populations, their interactions and effects on nitrogen cycling. J. Applied Ecology, 23:597-614.

16. Ingham, E.R., J.A. Trofymow, R.N. Ames, H.W. Hunt, C.R. Morley, J.C. Moore and D.C. Coleman. (1986). Trophic interactions and nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland soil. Part II. System responses to removal of different groups of soil microbes or fauna. J. Applied Ecology, 23:615-630.

17. Hunt, H.W., D.C. Coleman, E.R. Ingham, R.E. Ingham, E.T. Elliott, J.C. Moore, C.P.P. Reid and C.R. Morley. (1987). The detrital food web in a short grass prairie. Biol. Fert. Soil, 3:57-68.

18. Moore, J.C., E.R. Ingham and D.C. Coleman. (1987). Inter- and Intraspecific feeding selectivity of Folsomia candida (Willem) (Collembola, Isotomidae) on fungi: Method development and ecological consequences. Biol. Fert. Soil, 5:6-12.

19. Ingham, E.R. and K.A. Horton. (1987). Bacterial, fungal and protozoan responses to chloroform fumigation in stored prairie soil. Soil Biol. Biochem., 19:545-550.

20. Coleman, D.C. and E.R. Ingham. (1988). Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, 5:3-6.

21. Hunt, H.W., E.R. Ingham, D.C. Coleman, E.T. Elliott and C.P.P. Reid. (1988). Nitrogen limitation of decomposition and primary production in short grass, mountain meadow and lodgepole pine forest. Ecology, 69:1009-1016.

22. Carpenter, S.E., M.E. Harmon, E.R. Ingham, R.G. Kelsey, J.D. Latin and T.D. Schowalter. (1988). Early patterns of heterotroph activity in conifer logs. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 94B:33-43.

23. Coleman, D.C., E.R. Ingham. (1988). Terrestrial nutrient cycles. Biogeochemistry 5 (1), 3-5.

24. Ingham, E.R., M.V. Wilson and C.D. McIntire. (1988). Social and economic concerns with respect to the choice of critical terrestrial Ecosystems. USEPA.

25. Cromack, K., Jr., B.L. Fichter, A.M. Moldenke and E.R. Ingham. (1989). Interactions between soil animals and ectomycorrhizal fungal mats. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ, 24:155-169.

26. Ingham, E.R., D.C. Coleman and J.C. Moore. (1989). Analysis of food-web structure and function in a short grass prairie, a mountain meadow and lodgepole pine forest. Biol. Fertil. Soils, 8:29-37.

27. Stamatiadis, S., J.W. Doran and E.R. Ingham. (1990). Use of staining and inhibitors to separate fungal and bacterial activity in soil. Soil Biol. Biochem., 22:81-88.

28. Coleman, D.C., E.R. Ingham and J.C. Moore. (1990). An across ecosystem analysis of seasonal effects and faunal reduction on decomposition in a semiarid prairie, meadow, and lodgepole pine forest. Pedobiologia, 34:207-219.

29. Ingham, E.R., R. Griffiths, K. Cromack and J.A. Entry. (1991). Comparison of direct versus fumigation incubation microbial biomass estimates in ectomycorrhizal mat and non-mat soils. Soil Biol. Biochem., 23:465-472.

30. Lodge, D.J. and E.R. Ingham. (1991). A comparison of agar film techniques for estimating fungal biovolumes in litter and soil. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 5:31-37.

31. Griffiths, R.P., E.R. Ingham, B.A. Caldwell, M.A. Castellano and K. Cromack, Jr. (1991). Microbial characteristics of ectomycorrhizal mat communities in Oregon and California. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 11:14-20.

32. Ingham, E.R., D.C. Coleman, R. Parmelee and D.A. Crossley. (1991). Reduction of microbial and faunal groups following application of streptomycin and captan in Georgia no-till agro ecosystems. Pedobiologia, 35:297-304.

33. Schowalter, T.D., B.D. Caldwell, S.E. Carpenter, R.P. Griffiths, M.E. Harmon, E.R. Ingham. (1992). Decomposition of fallen trees: Effects of initial conditions and heterotroph colonization rates. Tropical Ecosystems: Ecology and Management, 373-383.

34. Ingham, E.R. (1993). The functional significance and regulation of soil biodiversity: An executive summary of the Soil Ecology Society meeting. Soil Ecology Society Newsletter, 5:2-9.

35. Klopatek, C.C., E.G. O’Neill, D.W. Freckman, C.D. Bledsoe, D.A. Coleman, D.A. Crossley, Jr., E.R. Ingham, D. Parkinson and J.M. Klopatek. (1993). The sustainable biosphere initiative: A commentary from the U.S. Soil Ecology Society. Bulletin of the Ecological Soc. of America, 73:223-228.

36. Colinas, C., E. Ingham and R. Molina. (1994). Population responses of target and non-target forest-soil organisms to selected biocides. Soil Biol. Biochem., 26:41-48.

37. Ingham, E.R. (1994). Soil Organisms and Forest Health. Headwaters Journal, Spring: 12-15.

38. Ingham, E.R., D.C. Coleman, and D.A. Crossley, Jr. (1994). Use of Sulfamethoxazole-Penicillin, Oxytetracycline, Carbofuran, Carbaryl, Naphthalene and Temik to Remove Key Organism Groups in Soil in a Corn Agro ecosystem. J. Sustain. Agric., 4(3):7-30.

39. Ingham, E.R. and H. Massicotte. (1994). Protozoan communities around conifer roots colonized by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza, 5: 53-61.

40. Ingham, E.R., J.D. Doyle and C.W. Hendricks. (1995). Assessing interactions between soil foodweb and a strain of Pseudomonas putida genetically engineered to degrade 2,4-D. Applied Soil Ecology, 2:263-274.

41. Ingham, E.R. (1995). Soil Protozoa. Soil Science, 159 (4), 281-282.

42. Carey, A.B., D.R. Thysell, L.J. Villa, T.M. Wilson, S.M. Wilson, J.M. Trappe, W. Colgan, E.R. Ingham, M. Holmes. (1996). Foundations of Bio-Diversity in Managed Douglas-Fir Forests. In: Peterson, DL; Klimas, CV The role of restoration in the ecosystem. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium for ecological restoration. Madison, WI: Society for Ecological Restoration, 68-82.

43. Ingham, E.R. and W.G. Thies. (1996). Soil foodweb responses in the first year following clear cutting and chloropicrin application to a mature Douglas-fir forest to control laminated root rot. Applied Soil Ecol., 3:35-47.

44. Rygiewicz, P.T. and E.R. Ingham. (1997). Soil Biology and Ecology. IN Fairbridge, R.W. and D.E. Alexander (eds) Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Van Nostrand Reinhold. NY.

45. Sances, F.V. and E.R. Ingham. (1997). Conventional and organic alternatives to methyl bromide on California strawberries: Effect of Brassica residues and spent mushroom compost following successive chemical fumigation. Compost Science and Utilization, 5: 23-37.

46. Griffiths, R.P., J.A. Entry, E.R. Ingham, and W.H. Emmingham. (1997).Chemistry and microbial activity of forest and pasture riparian-zone soils along three Pacific Northwest streams. Plant and Soil, 190:169-178.

47. Ingham, E.R. and W. Thies. (1997). Changes in rhizosphere microflora and microfauna 10 years following Douglas-fir live tree injection with chloropicrin or methylisothiocynate. Can. Jr. For Res., 27:724-731.

48. Ingham, E.R., (1997). Soil Foodweb Structure and Function in Forests: A Comparison of Conifer, Deciduous, Riparian and Managed Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Interdisciplinary Uneven-aged Management Symposium.

49. Hendricks, C.W., M.T. Holmes and E.R. Ingham. (1998). Foodweb methodology to assess ecological effects of anthropogenic stressors in soil. Trends in Soil Science, 2:181-189.

50. Massicote, H.B., L.E. Takaberry, E.R. Ingham, and W.G. Thies. (1998). Ectomycorrhizae establishment on Douglas-fir seedlings following chloropicrin treatment to control laminated-root rot disease: Assessment of 4 and 5 years after out planting. Appl. Soil Ecol., 10:117-126.

51. Ingham, E.R. and J.Barlow. (1998). Sustainable Agriculture and the Ecology of Soil Perspectives on Business and Global Change, 12:31-42.

52. Ingham, E.R. (1998). Soil organisms and their role in healthy turf. Turf Grass Trends, 7:1-6.

53. Ingham, E.R., (1998). Soil view-Anaerobic Bacteria and Compost Tea. BioCycle-Journal of Composting and Recycling, 39 (6), 86-86.

54. Holmes, M. and E.R. Ingham. (1999) Ecological effects of genetically engineered Klebsiella planticola released into agricultural soil with varying clay content. Appl. Soil Ecol., 11:67-78.

55. Wilson, M.V. and E.R. Ingham. (1999). Mycorrhizal requirements of six wetlands herbaceous plant species. Mycorrhiza, 9 (4), 233-235.

56. Ingham, E.R, Seiter, S., and R.D. William. (1999). Dynamics of soil fungal and bacterial biomass in a temperate climate alley cropping system. Appl. Soil Ecol., 12 (2): 139-147.

57. Doyle, J.D., Hendricks, C.W., Holmes, M.T., and E.R. Ingham. (1999). Effects of Klebsiella planticola SDF20 on soil biota and wheat growth in sandy soil. Appl. Soil Ecol., 11: 67-78.

58. Ingham, E., (1999)., Compost Tea. Part I & II, BioCycle, 40, 74-75.

59. Ingham, E. R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 1. The Soil Foodweb. NRCS Soil Quality Institute, USDA.

60. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer Chapter 2. Soil Bacteria. NRCS Soil Quality Institute, USDA.

61. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 3. Soil Fungi. NRCS Soil Quality Institute. USDA.

62. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 4. Soil Protozoa. NRCS Soil Quality Institute. USDA.

63. Ingham, E.R. (1999). The Soil Biology Primer – Chapter 5. Soil Nematodes. NRCS Soil Quality Institute. USDA.

64. Rygiewicz, P.T., E.R. Ingham. (1999). Soil Biology and Ecology. Environmental Geology, 564-568.

65. Ingham, E.R., (2000). Brewing compost tea. Kitchen Gardener. 29, 16-19.

66. Ingham, E.R. (2000). The Compost Tea Brewing Manual. Sustainable Studies Institute, Eugene, OR. 60 pp.

67. Moldenke, A., M. Pajutee. E. Ingham. (2000). The functional roles of forest soil arthropods: The soil is a lively place. Proceedings of the California Forest Soils Council Conference on Forest Soils Biology and

Forest Management. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Gen Tech Rep PSW-GTR-178, pages 7-22. 68. Ingham, E.R. (2001). Micronized compost and microbial life in compost. Biocycle, 42 (7), 58-58.

69. Linder, G., G. Henderson, E. Ingham. (2002). Wildlife and the Remediation of Contaminated Soils: Extending the Analysis of Ecological Risks to Habitat Restoration. Handbook of Ecotoxicology, 191-214.

70. Peachey, R.E., A Moldenke, R.D. William, R. Berry, E. Ingham, E. Groth. (2002). Effect of cover crops and tillage system on symphylan (Symphlya: Scutigerella immaculata, Newport) and Pergamasus quisquiliarum Canestrini (Acari: Mesostigmata) populations. Applied Soil Ecology, 21 (1), 59-70.

71. Highland, M.T.F., D.C. Sclar, E.R. Ingham, K.L. Gartley, J.E. Swasey. (2004). Effects of Compost Amended Container Media on Ornamental Plant Growth. HortScience, 39 (4), 750C-750.

72. Ingham, E.R., M.D. Slaughter. (2004). The soil foodweb-soil and composts as living ecosystems. First International Conference Soil and Compost Eco-Biology, León, Spain.

73. Ingham, E.R. (2005). Comparison of soil biota between organic and conventional agroecosystems in Oregon, USA. 土壤圈: 英文版, 15 (3), 395-403.

74. Dornbush, M., C. Cambardella, E. Ingham, J. Raich, (2008). A comparison of soil food webs beneath C3- and C4-dominated grasslands. Biology and fertility of soils, 45 (1), 73-81.

75. Rygiewicz, P.T., V.J. Monleon, E.R. Ingham, K.J. Martin, M.G. Johnson. (2010). Soil life in reconstructed ecosystems: initial soil food web responses after rebuilding a forest soil profile for a climate change experiment. Applied Soil Ecology, 45 (1), 26-38.

76. Tunick, M.H., M. Paul, E.R. Ingham, H.J. Karreman, D.L. Van Hekken. (2015). Differences in milk characteristics between a cow herd transitioning to organic versus milk from a conventional dairy herd. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 68 (4), 511-518.

77. Tunick, M.H., D.L. Van Hekken, M. Paul, E.R. Ingham, H.J. Karreman. (2015). Case study: Comparison of milk composition from adjacent organic and conventional farms in the USA. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 69 (1), 137-142.

Book Chapters:

1. Ingham, E.R. and R. Molina. 1991. Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi, rhizosphere organisms, and plants. Pages 169-197 in Microorganisms, Plants and Herbivores, P. Barbosa (ed). John Wiley and Sons, NY.

2. Ingham, E.R. 1994. Soil Protozoa. Agronomy Society of America. In Methods in Agronomy, P. Bottomley (ed). Agronomy Soc. Am.

3. Ingham, E.R. and A. Moldenke. 1995. Microflora and Microfauna on Stems and Trunks: Diversity, Food Webs and Effects on Plants. pp. 241-256. IN Gartner, B. Plant Stems. Academic Press. NY.

4. Ingham, E.R. 1997. Soil Microbiology. IN Sylvia, D. and Hartel, P. Soil Microbiology: Environmental and Agricultural Perspectives. Oxford University Press.

5. Ingham, E.R. and M. Alms. 1999. The Compost Tea Handbook 1.1.

6. Ingham, E.R. 2004. The Soil Foodweb: It’s Role in Ecosystem Health. The Overstory Book: Cultivating Connections with Trees, 62.

Peer-Reviewed Technical Reports:

1. Wilson, M.V., E.R. Ingham, C.D. McIntire and M.L. Scott. 1988. Report on the selection of several potentially critical terrestrial systems. USEPA.

2. Ingham, E.R., M.V. Wilson and C.D. McIntire. 1989. A general model of biotic interactions. Special Report to the USEPA, CR-813570-01-0, 36 pp.

3. Thies, W.G., M.A. Castellano, E.R. Ingham, D.L. Luoma and A.R. Moldenke. 1991. Bioresponse of nontarget organisms resulting from the use of chloropicrin to control laminated root rot in a northwest Conifer forest.

4. Ingham, E.R., W.G. Thies, D.L. Luoma, A.R. Moldenke and M.A. Castellano. 1991. Bioresponse of nontarget organisms resulting from the use of chloropicrin to control laminated root rot in a northwest Conifer forest.

5. Linder, G., E.R. Ingham, C.J. Brandt and G. Henderson. 1992. Evaluation of terrestrial indicators for use in ecological assessments at hazardous waste sites. USEPA/600/r-92/183.

6. Ingham, E.R. 1993. Use of soil foodweb structure and function to assess superfund sites. USEPA Ecological Site Assessment Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.

7. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Microbial Population Dynamics. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.

8. Ingham, E.R. 1994. Standard Operating Procedure for Total Bacteria. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.

9. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Nematode Population and Community Structure. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.

10. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure for Protozoan Populations and Community Structure. USEPA Global Climate Change Program. Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.

Technical Reports:

1. Ingham, E.R. and M. Holmes. 1995. Biosafety Regulations: A critique of existing documents.

2. The Edmonds Institute, Edmonds, WA. Ingham, E.R. 1995. Biosafety Regulation. Edmonds Institute, Edmonds, WA.

Monthly Column in Biocycle (Ca. 1998-2000)

Monthly column including discussions of: Anaerobic Bacteria and Composting, The Good, the Bad and Facultative Anaerobes, What Organisms are in Compost?, What is Compost Tea?, Methyl Bromide Alternatives, Fungi and Disease-Suppression, Vermicompost versus Compost – What’s the Difference?

Numerous other magazine and newspaper publications since 1999

Internet Articles:

1.Study finds fungi, not plant matter, responsible for most carbon sequestration in northern forests (March 19,2013)

2.Compost could be worth double or triple of current price only if…(September 18, 2018)

3.Carbon Sequestration—The Climate Change Solution That Virtually All Climate Activists Ignore (February 3, 2015)

4.Researchers propose ecological route to plant disease control (September 24, 2015)

5.Predatory Earwigs are Attracted by Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles Linked with Plant Growth-PromotingRhizobacteria (September 24, 2021)